I had less time to make nail art this week, but I sat down yesterday to paint something. The whole thing started with a recent Nailland order. I bought 4 ILNP polishes (Overnight Bag, XO, Dream Girl, Long Walks - swatches are coming next week!) and I had to try Overnight Bag immediately!
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
Femme Fatale, glitter nail polish, holographic, PRsample, swatch

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I got the opportunity to swatch the upcoming Femme Fatale Cosmetics collection called The After-Light Gala, and I'm so happy and thankful about it, because Femme Fatale is one of my favorite nail polish brand, their color combinations are to die for. However, I know that for some of you these shades are maybe going to be too much, but I truly hope that you will like at least a couple from this 10 colors, because I believe there's something for everyone in this collection.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
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This nail art was ment to be, I just had to paint bananas over 'Bananas And Krispy Kremes Are Better Than HBO' by CbL (which of you seen swatches last friday, HERE).
Friday, February 19, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
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Colors by Llarowe, holographic, swatch

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I have the new Krispy Kreme Dreams collection from Colors by Llarowe to show you today. This whole collection screams Spring, but it's not the official Spring collection yet.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
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Bundle Monster, freehand, nail art, PRsample, stud

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I have one more thing to show you from my latest Bundle Monster review package. It's a 2pcs set, containing a multichrome stud/irredescent stud wheel and a half pearl wheel, both of them has different sizes of decorations. This set was previously sent to me too, but back then I only showed you the multichrome version (HERE), so today let's see the half pearls.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
In yesterday's post I mentioned that I painted a nail art over You Know Nothing, Jon Snow. Well, this is that nail art. I've never painted nail sized portrait before, and I didn't had high hopes for this, but I finally went for it and tried it out. I know, it's nowhere near perfect, and it looks much more like Legolas (LOL :D) than Rose Leslie, who playes Ygritte in the GoT series, but you know what...I'm still proud of it!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
glitter nail polish, holographic, Illyrian Polish, swatch

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I'm going to show you 5 gems from my nail polish stash today. I feel the same way about Illyrian Polish as Femme Fatale Cosmetics, I feel that these polishes were created FOR ME :D I know how silly it sounds, but everything Vanessa makes is screaming my name.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
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figurative, freehand, nail art, Valentines day

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I'm not that crazy about Valentine's day, but because it's a great source of inspiration, I just had to make a couple of nail arts in the theme of love. You've probably already seen 2 nail art on my Instagram (HERE), but for this last one, I made a blog post too.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
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flakie, holographic, Powder Perfect, swatch

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I'm going to show you my very first Powder Perfect nail polish. I was lucky enough to buy this (and 6 others - haul pic HERE) a couple of weeks ago from Harlow & Co., but it's OOS right now. I don't know in which collection thic polish belongs to, the only thing I could figure out, that it's limited edition.
Monday, February 08, 2016
Monday, February 08, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
Bundle Monster, franken, galaxy, nail art, PRsample

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Here is another product from Bundle Monster that I tried out in the past couple of weeks. It's their Star Dust shimmer set of 4 duo/multichrome shifting shimmers in different colors and sizes. If you like to spend some time and playing with these kinds of thing, than keep reading.
Saturday, February 06, 2016
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This post contains PR sample!
This post contains PR sample!
I always wanted to paint butterflies on my nails, but I never knew what kind (I don't even know this species really well), and I couldn't find a picture that I liked. A couple of days ago I went ahead, and tried another search, and finally a pretty picture (THIS) came by. I wanted to keep this nail art wintery, dark and mysterious, and honestly, I couldn't imagine a butterfly nail cute/bright/pink, to me that would be too childish (yeah, I wore my rainbow-unicorn nails with proud, but I could never paint a cute butterfly :D).
Friday, February 05, 2016
Friday, February 05, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
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holographic, Il Était Un Vernis, shimmer, swatch

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Finally I ordered some beauties from the french indie brand Il Était Un Vernis. I was eyeing their polishes from the beginning. I ordered from their official webshop (HERE), because the shipping was the cheapest there (only €7,5 to Hungary - I paid €9,5 at checkout, but they sent me back €2) and also the polishes were less too (Lunaria and Dahlia were only €8,9, and in other shops they are almost €13), so I highly recommend ordering from the official website, you get a tracking number too.
Thursday, February 04, 2016
Thursday, February 04, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
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born pretty store, nail art, PRsample, sticker

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I was eyeing with these "shell paper" things for a while, but I was afraid that the sticker (because it's a sticker, it's not a water slide decal) won't stick to my curved nails. Well, my curiosity won the battle, so I choosed this item too, to put it in my next Born Pretty Store review package.
Monday, February 01, 2016
Monday, February 01, 2016 /
By glitterfingersss /
Bundle Monster, nail art, PRsample, review

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I'm going to show you the Bundle Monster's version of silicone mat. It's called Lotus Mat. It can be really helpful to those of us, who like to decorate our nails. It's power lies on the fact that it's made of silicone, so we can peel off the dried nail polish off of it like no big deal.