I had the honor to test out a couple of products from Bundle Monster. When I saw these cute little star studs in the webshop, I knew I have to try them out! I was searching for some nice, tiny star studs for a while, so the timing was perfect! :D
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
I had the chance to review some Avon nail polishes, and when they arrived I choosed the darkest to try out first (they sent me the colors randomly, so I couldn't pick my own colors). It's form the Magic Effects Matte collection, and it's called Inky Blue. At first, I was confused, because in the bottle it didn't looked like a true ink blue, but when I painted on, it al made sence.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
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challenge, flower pattern, freehand, nail art, wnac

Today's WNAC2015 theme was pastel frloral, so I went with an orchid pattern. I've never painted orchid on my nails, so it was an awesome challenge for me. The base is a sponged gradient with China Glaze 'That's Shore Bright' and Orly 'Dance 'till Dawn'.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
I was looking for the perfect in between pink and purple and I've finally found it...totally accidentally :D I bought the Twirlin Swirlin set, and this was one of the 4 China Glaze nail polishes in that set. I bought it online, and I thought that this color will be a plain, simple purple, but it's NOT!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Remember when I showed you swatches about the amazing FUN Lacquer 'Queen'? Well, I did this nail art then, but I don't wanted to post it right after, so I'm posting it a couple of weeks later. I think mint and apple green goes absolutely amazing with the holo effect, so I choosed these kind of colors for today's nail art.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
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challenge, freehand, geometric, nail art, wnac

Today's theme was chevron, which I actually really like, but don't use to often. For the base I used KBShimmer Daisy About You, which was already on my nails. Fro the chevrons I used a mint and a turquoise akrylic paint. Everything is handpainted btw.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
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creme, glitter nail polish, kbshimmer, swatch

I bought this nail polish over a year ago, and I never used it. I don't know why. But now it seemed to be a good time to bust it out, since it's the most amazing spring nail polish I've ever seen.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Today I have swatches (and nail art) of a pretty pastel purple shade. It's from the brand Moyra, and you can buy it from Nailland (with EU shipping). I really like this brand, it's affordable, but still have a nice quality, so I recommend it for everyone! This purple shade is from the Gel Look line, so it has a nice glossy finish.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Today I have a swatch and detailed review on my first ever Layla nail polish. It's quite hard to get the brand in Hungary, but I could order it from ebay a couple of moths ago. I'm in love with chrome nail polishes since OPI Push & Shove, although they are a bit problematic. This Layla nail polish on the other hand is a loooot better than OPI.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
challenge, freehand, ikat, nail art, wnac

I'm doing the WNAC2015 April challenge. The theme is pastel :) Today the sub-theme was ikat, which I've never done before. It's pretty easy though I was ready with my 10 nails in 35 minutes.
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Well yeah, it's a bit early to post a nautical nail art, but who cares? :D And I didn't even planned to paint seahorses. Here's the strory: I wanted mint on my nails (like, badly), so I grabbed Models Own 'Jade Stone'. After that I really wanted some coral pattern over it, because I'm just crazy about this color combo. And the coral (color) reminded me the actual corals and seahorses. And after that I just couldn't think anything else but nautical :D
Friday, April 03, 2015
I've never done dry marble, so it was about time! :D I tried to make a swirly pattern with the 2 nude and the yellow nail polish, and I think I succeeded. I don't know, maybe I overdone it with the holographic glitter topcoat though...I really like it on the close-ups, but in the other pictures it just looks crowded. Anyways, in general I like the result, and I think I will try to experiment with the technique in the fututre!
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Wednesday, April 01, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
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freehand, geometric, glitter nail polish, kbshimmer, nail art, swatch, textured

Dressed To Gild is a full glitter textured nail polish, it dries matte, but the holographic glitters make it sparkle anyways. I think it's a really fun nail polish, the maine color is yellow toned gold, but there is some visible purple and green glitters too, and of course the holo effect brings a full rainbow into the nail polish.