I was craving for a NCLA nail polish quite some time, so I ordered this blue beauty with my last Harlow & Co. purchase. This one is definitely my fave from the brand, it's a really dark jelly with tons of tiny flakies that shifts from golden to emerald.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
fashion on my nails, flower pattern, freehand, nail art

Today I was inspired by the brand Delpozo, which I've never heard of before. I've found some photos on Tumblr of their 2015 autumn/winter collection, and I fell in love. I searched a little bit, and I've found out, that Delpozo is a spanish brand. I really like that their lines are sophisticated but playful at the same time. For todays post I choosed a fancy floral dress with black lines.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
born pretty store, nail art, review, stamping

I was testing out this stamping plate from Born Pretty Store for a month now, I made a couple of nail arts with it, and now I want to share my thoughts on it. I made a video, where you can see all of the patterns stamped on a stamper, and I also filmed making one of the nail arts too, se definitely check out the video :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
1 comment /
flakie, Glam Polish, holographic, swatch

Today I have a magical, holographic amazingness to show you, which is That Old Black Magic from Glam Polish. And let's have a moment and enjoy how perfect is the name for this nail polish. It's dark and playful at the same time, I think any witch would gladly wear this nail polish.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
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duo/multichrome, flakie, ILNP, swatch

Ultra chrome flakies are everywhere these days, but honestly, I don't mind it, because it's probably my favorite finish ever, because two fave finishes of mine (flakie and multichrome) are bond together in this amazing and interesting collection. Today I will show you Luna, which shifts from pink to purple to teal to turquoise. In the swatches I sponged on the nail polish for full opacity, but I also made swatches in a nail wheel where I used Luna as a topcoat over different colors.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
gradient, nail art, other pattern, stud

I'm really about to going onto the pastels and vibrant colors, but I try to stick with the dark colors in february because I feel I have so much unfinished business with them :D I have a lot of ideas with darkes shades, so I try to overcome my feelings about pretty pastels :D Anyways, today I have a gradient nail art with some studs and dots.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
nail art, other pattern, other technique, tutorial

This is my 3rd attempt for opal nails and I kind of like it, but I still feel that I can do it better. Anyways, I made a tutorial too, so if you like it, you can recreate it. I only made two of my nails opal, for the rest, I used one of my franken nail polishes. This blue franken np goes with the theme I think, because it's filled with flakies. I also put metal triangle charms to them too just to make them bling :D
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
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born pretty store, nail art, stamping

I like the new Born Pretty Store stamping plates, I think they are easy to use, the patterns are interesting and the price is totally all right. I will show you today the BP-L 007 plate which has pretty vintage, damask patterns on it. The plate contains 25 pattern in total, 15 big and 10 small.
Monday, February 09, 2015
Monday, February 09, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
1 comment /
Glam Polish, glitter nail polish, swatch

Today I have Vortex from Glam Polish to show you. This is my first GP nail polish, but certainly not the last. I think the brand have a lot to offer, and I have a serious Glam Polish wishlist :D. I ordered mine from Harlow & Co. I'm not sure which collection is this from, honestly I couldn't care less and I'm awfully lazy about things like that...if the nail polish looks great, than that's the only thing I need.
#notsoperfectnailpolishblogger #sorrynotsorry
Saturday, February 07, 2015
Wednesday, February 04, 2015
Wednesday, February 04, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
animal print, fashion on my nails, freehand, nail art, stud

Today is another fashion inspired day. I choosed Dolce & Gabbana Winter 2016 Men's Fashion Show as an inspiration, I think the clothes are amazing and I really liked this crowned bee pattern, so I painted it onto a black base. I added some gold studs and caviar pearls too. I think it turned out really awesome and I felt totally fancy during the time I was wearing it on my nails :D
Monday, February 02, 2015
Monday, February 02, 2015 /
By glitterfingersss /
1 comment /
animal print, challenge, freehand, nail art

Hello everyone! This is the birds challenge's last theme. I didn't wanted to do a cute owl, because I think they are not cute at all (especially when they spit their lunch's left-over fur and bones to our backyard...:S :D ). So I painted an angry looking owl in my middle finger and some feather in the ringfinger. I painted the rest of my nails with China Glaze Midtown Magic.